All About Me

I originate from Hertfordshire but have lived in Norfolk for more than half my life. As a child I drew constantly, getting through the equivalent of a drawing book a week. I had originally wanted to be a fashion designer, but fate took me on a different course. I trained as a graphic designer in the days when everything was done on the drawing board and ‘Apple Macs' were fruit and a coat to keep you dry!

After a couple of years in a design studio in London, I concluded graphics wasn’t for me. After a number of years bringing up my family, where the only art that occurred involved poster paint, stubby brushes, glue and cotton wool, I eventually picked up some pastels again in 2014. At that time, I did a few commissions to test the market, finding that folk wanted my work I pursued a new career doing what I love best… art and being creative!

In 2016 I launched my art workshops, something else I love doing, to share my knowledge and watch people discover their own gift of being creative. Today I offer regular art workshops, from half-days to weekly classes running in 6-week blocks.

If you would like to see what I do, or come along and have a go yourself, explore my website for more details, or drop me a line and let’s make some art!